Healing with Acupuncture: How We use Trigger Points and Motor Points for Healing

Healing with Acupuncture: How We use Trigger Points and Motor Points for Healing

Acute Vs. Chronic Injuries

The body’s response to an acute injury causes tightening of muscles, swelling, stiffness, and pain. These stagnations need to be moved in order for the body to regain optimal health. Acupuncture frees up these blockages and releases the tight muscles and trigger points so the body’s energy can flow freely, promoting healing and recovery.

Over time, injuries that are ignored or mistreated become chronic, and begin to break down the bodies energy levels and usually lead to worse injuries or additional injuries in surrounding areas. As the body’s internal recovery system is weakened, it exposes the entire body to potential injury. In this case, acupuncture enables the body to heal and build qi (energy) levels, allowing the natural healing systems of the body to maximize recovery.

Trigger Points

Trigger points are tight bands, or knots, in a muscle that cause a person to feel referred pain in other areas of the body. These trigger points can be active or dormant and can cause pain sensations that sideline many athletes.

Picture a rubber band: a “healthy” rubber band can stretch and return to its normal length without much effort. But if you tie a knot in the middle of the rubber band, it shortens and no longer can expand and contract properly. This is similar to what happens with muscles. When a trigger point causes a muscle to shorten, it loses strength, range of motion, flexibility and — most importantly — proper function.

In order to remove that knot we have to “work it out.” This can be done by using a foam roller, through massage, or through acupuncture. By inserting a very thin needle into a muscle fiber that is knotted, you send a signal to the body to release the knot and restore proper function of the muscle.

Acupuncture is one of the most effective ways to release trigger points in the body.

When a massage therapist releases a trigger point, it can be very painful: they have to trap the trigger point in the muscle and squeeze with their hand until it is released. If a trigger point is released by a physical therapist or doctor who uses a syringe (a large needle), this syringe can cause excess bruising and muscle tears that take longer to heal. Acupuncture uses a tiny needle that allows access into muscles without causing excessive muscle tears and bruising, and quickly releases the trigger point.

Be aware that if you are seeking this kind of therapy, always check to make sure your acupuncturist or therapist has thorough training in trigger point release (also known as Intra Muscular Stimulation or Dry Needling). Some practitioners are attempting these techniques after only taking a weekend course. If not performed by an experienced practitioner, deep needling of trigger points can be dangerous and cause nerve damage, pneumothorax, and arterial or organ perforation.

Motor Points, the Yin and Yang of Healing

When assessing an injury, it’s important to look at the yin and yang aspect of the body. For example, if one muscle is shortened then another muscle is lengthened. If we only release the trigger points without balancing the body, then not only will the injury return, but it can lead to other injuries.

One of the most effective ways to balance the body is using motor points in the muscles. A motor point is where the motor nerve enters the muscle. These motor nerves carry signals to the muscle that tell the muscle when to contract. When a muscle is damaged, these impulses don’t fire correctly and a muscle can remain in a shortened or overstretched state.

Once the trigger point — or lesion — in a muscle is released, it is important to incorporate the needling of muscle motor points to “jump start” the muscle. When a motor point is needled it has an effect on the motor nerve innervation which causes changes in the muscle spindles, which can result in making tight muscles looser, weak muscles stronger and increased range of motion.

Pulling it all together

The final and most important element to any treatment is balancing the athlete’s body energetically. By using the diagnostic tools of tongue, pulse and palpation we assess any underlying imbalances and develop a treatment plan specific to your body’s needs. Then by using acupuncture, moxa, cupping, and many other healing methods we balance you so that your body is functioning at its strongest ability.

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